
Thomas meets Buck

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The sun began to set. Thomas and his pack awoken (Since troodons are nocturnal and that night time approaching). They began to yawn and stretch.

Thomas: Alright pack, we shall now fancy a hunting near those trees.

Thomas, being the pack leader, lead the pack to a near by forest. He and his pack began searching the ground for small critters to eat. Much to Thomas's luck, he spotted a small mammal clutching an acorn and scurrying to a tree. It was a female saber-toothed squirrel with orange fur and green eyes and went by the name of Scratte.

As soon as Scratte saw Thomas, she panicked, dropped the acorn and tried to scurry to the safety of the top of the tree. But she was seized to do so when she was clutched by Thomas.

Thomas: Hmmm... A saber-toothed squirrel. Native to the Ice Age world. You'd certainly be an exotic snack.

Just before Thomas could eat Scratte, he heard the sound of someone blowing through a seashell. Thomas looked up at a tree and saw a weasel wearing a leaf for an eyepatch. It was Buck. He saw that Scratte was about to be eaten and came to rescue her.

Buck: Have no fear, fellow mammal! Buckminster is here to save you!

Buck grabbed a vine and attempted to swing to Scratte's rescue. However the vine snapped causing Buck to plummet to the ground. Thomas released Scratte and walked to where Buck fell. When he did, he found Buck tangled up in vines. Thomas slightly chuckled as he watched Buck struggled to free himself from the vines.

Thomas: Well, well well… What do we have here? A member of the Mustelidae family.
Buck: Oi! Watch who you call names!

Thomas was surprised that Buck thought that the name Mustelidae was an insult since he was unaware that Buck's vocabulary wasn't as expanded as Thomas's.

Thomas: Well uh… You appear to be very tangled in those vines.
Buck: So?… I can handle this!
Thomas: But all of your limbs are tangled. And I doubt a mammal such as yourself is smart enough to do so without assistance of someone as intelligent as me.
Buck: Hey! Watch what you say about mammals! Besides, we mammals are smarter than you scaly folk!
Thomas: In the upper word perhaps, but not here. In this world, Troodons are even smarter than mammals, including you.

When Buck heard what Thomas said, he felt inferior for a few seconds but then shook his head in disbelief.

Thomas: Now then, let me assist you.
Buck: I told you, I can handle this by myself!
Thomas: And I told you, you cannot.

Thomas reached for the vines to try to untangle Buck, but before Thomas could do so, Buck growled and tried to bite Thomas's hand.

Thomas: Well… You certainly are a feisty little mammal.
Buck: Well how many times do I have to tell you?!… I can untangled myself on my own!

Thomas gave out an annoyed sigh. He looked down and saw Buck's knife. Out of curiosity he picked up the knife and observed it.

Thomas: Well well… What is this?
Buck: Hey! Put that down! That belongs to me!
Thomas: Hmm… Is this a tooth you're using for the blade?
Buck: Yes.
Thomas: Hmm… It seems to belong to a member of the Spinosauridae family.
Buck: W-what?
Thomas: A baryonyx, for example. Of course…
Buck: Yeah. That tooth is from a baryonyx. An albino baryonyx I call, Rudy.
Thomas: Did you say and albino baryonyx?
Buck: Yeah.
Thomas: *Gasp* The white beast!

Thomas began to shudder at the thought the albino baryonyx that Buck called Rudy.

Buck: No…Rudy.
Thomas: So, how did you obtain his tooth?
Buck: Long story short, he clawed my eye out, he swallowed me, I grabbed his uvula, I flung myself out of his moth and crashed into one of his teeth and knocked it out of his mouth.
Thomas: I see… Hmm… Anyway… May I assist you in untangling you?
Buck: For the last time!… I can do this myself.
Thomas: That is impossible due to the fact that your limbs are tangled in vines, and the fact that puny your mammalian brain cannot solve this problem.

Buck angrily growled at Thomas. Thomas began cutting the vines with Buck's knife, thus freeing Buck. After landing on the ground, Buck flipped and landed on his feet. Then he rubbed his shoulder as he looked up at Thomas.

Buck: Uh, thanks for helping me there.
Thomas: You are very welcome.
Buck: By the way… I didn't catch your name.
Thomas: Yes well… My name is Thomas. And your name would be…
Buck: The name's Buck. Short for Buckminster. Long for, Buh.
Thomas: Well it's a pleasure meeting you Buckminster.
Buck: Pleasure meeting you too… Well, I best be heading off now. See ya.

Buck leaped onto a tree branch, grabbed a vine and swung away as Thomas watched Buck do so. Thomas began thinking about how he used his intellect to untangle Buck and began thinking that perhaps he should continue to assist Buck incase that he might get himself in another sticky situation, so he followed him.
I've wanted to do this for quite a while. This is the story of what happened when Thomas and Buck first met.

Buck=Blue Sky productions
Thomas the Troodon=Me
© 2009 - 2024 platypus12
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Good story. very funny.